220 Paper Details
The Effects of Intensıve-Use of Fertilizers on Nitrate Accumulation in Vegetables
Tamer Sermenli, Melisa Kara
To be able to meet the increasing food need as a result of rapid increasing population in the World more fertilizer are being applied beside genetical breeding in plants. The resulting negative effects of fertilization on environment are as follows; by the increased usage of nitrogenous fertilizer the increased leakage from the soil profile with subsequent high nitrate concentrations in water, especially as a result of surface soil erosion by the involvement of phosphorus fertilizers into the water phosphate concentrations increases in the still water and flowing water, by over usage of fertilizer, accumulation of some items in plants with the subsequent occurrence of negative effects seen in the ones fed with those, by the application of nitrogenous fertilizer into the soil the occurrence of greenhouse effect by the involvement of gaseous into the atmosphere such as nitrogen oxides and ammonia as a result of volatilization.If not being utilized just after the harvest, to be grown of the plant species having less accumulation of nitrate accumulation, fertilization of molybdenum in the acidic soils as a result of in availability of molybdenum to the plants resulting from iron and aluminum
Published in:
3rd International Symposium on Environment and Morality (ISEM2016) 4-6 Nov 2016 Alanya/Antalya - Turkey