176 Paper Details
Morals In The Environment Of Islamic Philosophy: A Sample Of Yûsuf Hakîkî Baba Dîvâný
Kudret Safa Gümüþ
In order to follow the development of Old Turkish Literature and analyse its stages, it is first necessary to identify texts and examine literary products of Old Turkish Literature in terms of revealing their relations with previous and subsequent texts, which is the language treasury at the same time. The continuing analytical studies in the Old Literature is also significant in revealing contextual religious, social and cultural heritage together with extensive imaginary worlds of poets. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the moral values in Yusuf Hakiki Baba’s Divaný who was the leading figure of Bayrami Sect in Aksaray in the 15th century. Yusuf Hakiki Baba, who has written some other Sufi proses and poems, is regarded as an important poet and writer in the history and literature of Islamic Philosophy. In the present study, terms related to morality in the aforementioned Divan will be identified first and then indexed verses involving moral terms will be exposed to in-depth analysis. In addition, there will be an attempt to demonstrate what the poet aimed for in using the moral terms and what particular subjects he touched upon within the framework of Islamic Philosophy.
Published in:
3rd International Symposium on Environment and Morality (ISEM2016) 4-6 Nov 2016 Alanya/Antalya - Turkey